Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation
pci_strings.h File Reference
#include "wdc_defs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


DWORD DLLCALLCONV PciConfRegData2Str (_In_ WDC_DEVICE_HANDLE hDev, _In_ DWORD dwOffset, _Outptr_ PCHAR pBuf, _In_ DWORD dwInLen, _Outptr_ DWORD *pdwOutLen)
 Reads data from a PCI device's configuration space and parses the data to a string, if such a parsing is available.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV PciExpressConfRegData2Str (_In_ WDC_DEVICE_HANDLE hDev, _In_ DWORD dwOffset, _Outptr_ PCHAR pBuf, _In_ DWORD dwInLen, _Outptr_ DWORD *pdwOutLen)
 Reads data from a PCI Express device's extended configuration space and parses the data to a string, if such a parsing is available.