Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation

◆ PciExpressConfRegData2Str()

_In_ DWORD  dwOffset,
_Outptr_ PCHAR  pBuf,
_In_ DWORD  dwInLen,
_Outptr_ DWORD *  pdwOutLen 

Reads data from a PCI Express device's extended configuration space and parses the data to a string, if such a parsing is available.

The parsing is based upon information obtained from the official PCI Specification, 3rd Generation.

[in]hDevHandle to a WDC PCI device structure, returned by WDC_PciDeviceOpen()
[in]dwOffsetOffset of a register in the configuration space to be read and parsed to a string, if a parsing is available. Offset should be the sum of the value obtained from WDC_PciGetExpressOffset() WDC_PciGetExpressOffset() and the desired PCI Express offset.
[out]pBufA pointer to a user preallocated buffer to be filled by the function. The buffer will not be filled if no parsing is available.
[in]dwInLenSize of the user preallocated buffer.
[out]pdwOutLenA pointer to a DWORD which will hold the actual length of the string the function wrote to the buffer. If the buffer is too small for the text written by the function then the text will be truncated. We recommend preallocating a 1024 byte buffer to avoid any truncation.
Returns WD_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success, or an appropriate error code otherwise