Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation

◆ WD_CardCleanupSetup

#define WD_CardCleanupSetup (   h,
#define FALSE
Definition: kpstdlib.h:260
Definition: windrvr.h:1650
Definition: windrvr.h:1843

Sets a list of transfer cleanup commands to be performed for the specified card on any of the following occasions: The application exits abnormally.

The application exits normally but without unregistering the specified card.

If the WD_FORCE_CLEANUP flag is set in the dwOptions parameter, the cleanup commands will also be performed when the specified card is unregistered.

[in]hHandle to WinDriver's kernel-mode driver as received from WD_Open()
[in]pCardCleanupPointer to a card clean-up information structure
Returns WD_STATUS_SUCCESS (0) on success, or an appropriate error code otherwise
You should call this function right after calling WD_CardRegister()
/* Set-up the cleanup struct with the cleanup information */
dwStatus = WD_CardCleanupSetup(hWD, &cleanup);
if (dwStatus)
printf("WD_CardCleanupSetup failed: %s\n", Stat2Str(dwStatus));
const char *DLLCALLCONV Stat2Str(_In_ DWORD dwStatus)
Retrieves the status string that corresponds to a status code.
#define BZERO(buf)
Definition: windrvr.h:1553
#define WD_CardCleanupSetup(h, pCardCleanup)
Sets a list of transfer cleanup commands to be performed for the specified card on any of the followi...
Definition: windrvr.h:2429

Definition at line 2429 of file windrvr.h.