Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation

◆ WDU_GetDeviceRegistryProperty()

DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDU_GetDeviceRegistryProperty ( _In_ WDU_DEVICE_HANDLE  hDevice,
_Outptr_ PVOID  pBuffer,
_Inout_ PDWORD  pdwSize,

Gets the specified registry property of a given device.

[in]hDeviceA unique identifier of the device/interface.
[out]pBufferPointer to a user allocated buffer to be filled with the requested registry property. The function will fill the buffer only if the buffer size, as indicated in the input value of the pdwSize parameter, is sufficient - i.e >= the property's size, as returned via pdwSize. pBuffer can be set to NULL when using the function only to retrieve the size of the registry property (see pdwSize).
[in,out]pdwSizeAs input, points to a value indicating the size of the user-supplied buffer (pBuffer); if pBuffer is set to NULL, the input value of this parameter is ignored. As output, points to a value indicating the required buffer size for storing the registry property.
[in]propertyThe ID of the registry property to be retrieved - see the WD_DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY enumeration in windrvr.h. Note: String registry properties are in WCHAR format.
WinDriver Error Code.
When the size of the provided user buffer (pBuffer) - *pdwSize (input) is not sufficient to hold the requested registry property, the function returns WD_INVALID_PARAMETER.
DWORD dwStatus = 0;
DWORD dwSize;
#ifdef WIN32
WCHAR cProperty[256];
CHAR cProperty[256];
dwStatus = WDU_GetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevice, cProperty, &dwSize,
if (WD_STATUS_SUCCESS == dwStatus)
printf("%-46s: ", propertyNames[i]);
/* In windows, device property string is encoded as wchar_t(WCHAR)*/
#ifdef WIN32
printf("%ws\n", cProperty);
printf("%s\n", cProperty);
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDU_GetDeviceRegistryProperty(_In_ WDU_DEVICE_HANDLE hDevice, _Outptr_ PVOID pBuffer, _Inout_ PDWORD pdwSize, _In_ WD_DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY property)
Gets the specified registry property of a given device.
[0] Operation completed successfully
Definition: windrvr.h:1066
@ WdDevicePropertyManufacturer
Device manufacturer string.
Definition: windrvr_usb.h:338