Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation
wds_lib.h File Reference
#include "windrvr.h"
#include "wdc_lib.h"

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Data Structures

 IPC scan processes results. More...
struct  WDS_IPC_MSG_RX
 IPC message received. More...


#define WDS_SharedBufferGetGlobalHandle(pKerBuf)   ((pKerBuf)->hKerBuf)
 Utility macro that returns a kernel buffer global handle that can be used for buffer sharing between multiple processes.


typedef void(* IPC_MSG_RX_HANDLER) (_In_ WDS_IPC_MSG_RX *pIpcRxMsg, _In_ void *pData)
 WinDriver IPC message handler callback.


BOOL DLLCALLCONV WDS_IsIpcRegistered (void)
 Enables the application to check if it is already registered with WinDriver IPC.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_IpcRegister (_In_ const CHAR *pcProcessName, _In_ DWORD dwGroupID, _In_ DWORD dwSubGroupID, _In_ DWORD dwAction, _In_ IPC_MSG_RX_HANDLER pFunc, _In_ void *pData)
 Registers an application with WinDriver IPC.
void DLLCALLCONV WDS_IpcUnRegister (void)
 This function enables the user application to unregister with WinDriver IPC.
 Scans and returns information of all registered processes that share the application process groupID (as was given to WDS_IpcRegister() or a specific groupID.)
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_IpcUidUnicast (_In_ DWORD dwRecipientUID, _In_ DWORD dwMsgID, _In_ UINT64 qwMsgData)
 Sends a message to a specific process with WinDriver IPC unique ID.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_IpcSubGroupMulticast (_In_ DWORD dwRecipientSubGroupID, _In_ DWORD dwMsgID, _In_ UINT64 qwMsgData)
 Sends a message to all processes that registered with the same sub-group ID.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_IpcMulticast (_In_ DWORD dwMsgID, _In_ UINT64 qwMsgData)
 Sends a message to all processes that were registered with the same group ID as the sending process.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_SharedBufferAlloc (_In_ UINT64 qwBytes, _In_ DWORD dwOptions, _Outptr_ WD_KERNEL_BUFFER **ppKerBuf)
 Allocates a memory buffer that can be shared between the user mode and the kernel mode ("shared buffer"), and returns user-mode and kernel-mode virtual address space mappings of the allocated buffer.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_SharedBufferGet (_In_ DWORD hKerBuf, _Outptr_ WD_KERNEL_BUFFER **ppKerBuf)
 Retrieves a shared buffer which was allocated by another process.
 Frees a shared buffer that was allocated by a previous call to WDS_SharedBufferAlloc().
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_SharedIntEnable (_In_ const CHAR *pcProcessName, _In_ DWORD dwGroupID, _In_ DWORD dwSubGroupID, _In_ DWORD dwAction, _In_ IPC_MSG_RX_HANDLER pFunc, _In_ void *pData)
 Enables the shared interrupts mechanism of WinDriver.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_SharedIntDisableGlobal (void)
 Disables the Shared Interrupts mechanism of WinDriver for all processes.
DWORD DLLCALLCONV WDS_SharedIntDisableLocal (void)
 Disables the Shared Interrupts mechanism of WinDriver for the current process.
BOOL DLLCALLCONV WDS_IsSharedIntsEnabledLocally (void)
 Check and returns whether shared interrupts are enabled for the current process.