Jungo WinDriver  
Official Documentation

◆ vPrintDbgMessage()

void DLLCALLCONV vPrintDbgMessage ( _In_ DWORD  dwLevel,
_In_ DWORD  dwSection,
_In_ const char *  format,
_In_ va_list  ap 

Sends debug messages to the Debug Monitor.

[in]dwLevelAssigns the level in the Debug Monitor, in which the data will be declared. If zero, D_ERROR will be declared. For more details please refer to DEBUG_LEVEL in windrvr.h.
[in]dwSectionAssigns the section in the Debug Monitor, in which the data will be declared. If zero, S_MISC will be declared. For more details please refer to DEBUG_SECTION in windrvr.h.
[in]formatFormat-control string
[in]apOptional Arguments